Placing customer advertisements on wall posters in Nova Post branches.
- 1Number of branches: 3,402
- 2Views: 30.6 million visitors/month
- 3Strong loyalty to the Nova Post brand

Placement rules
- A1 poster format
- Exclusive advertising of a partner in a branch
- Fixed placement on the wall in a click frame
- Placement period: 3+ months with an extension option
- Layout is developed by the customer independently
- We take care of printing, placing, and replacing posters
- Creative is replaced at most once every 3 months
- Number of branchesEntire Ukraine
Top 5 regions1,722
- Coverage
for 3 monthsEntire Ukraine91.8 million
Top 5 regions52.8 million
- Minimum placement periodEntire Ukraine
3 months
Top 5 regions3 months
- Cost for 3 months per 1 branch
(including VAT)Entire UkraineUAH 1,088
Top 5 regionsUAH 1,336
- Cost of packages for 3 months
(UAH including VAT)Entire Ukraine3.7 million
Top 5 regions2.3 million
Need any help?
Contact your personal manager.
phone number: +38 067 533 49 38

Restrictions on advertising placement
- We do not advertise goods prohibited by law for production, circulation, or importation into the customs territory of Ukraine.
- We do not advertise malicious software or hardware, pornographic materials, pieces promoting cults of violence and cruelty, etc.
- We do not advertise anything that may contain elements of cruelty, violence, pornography, cynicism, humiliation of human honor and dignity, even if a legitimate product is offered to the consumer.
- We do not advertise goods subject to mandatory certification or whose production or marketing requires a special permit or license, as long as the customer has not provided the relevant documents.
- We do not advertise anything that misleads or may mislead consumers, or cause damage to the state or society due to inaccuracy, unreliability, exaggeration, omission, or violation of the requirements for time, place, and method of distribution.