You can easily and quickly receive parcels in Austria from Ukraine thanks to Nova Post
- 1by courier to certain location
Delivery times
Who pays for
- Shipping costSender in Ukraine
- Customs duties and customs brokerage servicesRecipient in Austria
Once it is sent, we will notify the recipient of the parcel's processing
The delivery cost depends on the weight and method of shipment of a postal item. Check your possible rate here.
Customs clearance of the shipment in Austria
- Parcel cost: up to €45
International shipments with a declared value of up to €45 are not subject to additional customs duties.
Unless the customs authorities determine that the market value of the parcel is more than €45. In this case, the recipient will be contacted regarding further customs clearance actions.
- Parcel cost: €45-150
International shipments with a declared value of up to €150 are subject to 20% VAT.
Calculation example:
The goods cost €100
VAT = €100 × 20% = €20The recipient has to pay €20
Parcels worth up to 150 euros can be cleared in the Czech Republic with a VAT rate of 21%
- Additional conditions
- 1Customs clearance is already included in the tariff under standard conditions and the declared value does not exceed the duty-free threshold.
- 2The cost of the service includes customs clearance of up to 5 customs codes in the invoice (5 unique items of goods, for example: two men's cotton T-shirts and one men's cotton jeans - 2 customs codes, but three items of content). Additional customs codes require payment of customs brokerage services from €15.
This can happen if a customs officer detects a breach of the rules:
- 1The shipment's contents differ from the list specified in the declaration.
- 2The declared value differs from the real one.
- 3
- 4The recipient has already received international shipments with a total value over €150 during the last month.