You can easily and quickly receive parcels in France from Ukraine thanks to Nova Post
- 1at the Nova Post branch
- 2by courier to the address
Delivery times
Who pays for
Delivery cost |
Customs duties and customs brokerage services |
Sender in Ukraine |
Recipient in France |
Once it is sent, we will notify the recipient of the parcel's processing.
Find full delivery rates from Ukraine by following the link
Customs clearance of the shipment
- Invoice value of the parcel: up to €45
The parcel is not subject to additional customs duties (unless the customs determines that the invoice value of the parcel exceeds €45).
- Invoice value of the parcel: €45-150
- 1VAT: 20% of the invoice value of the shipment
For example: an item costs €100. Additionally, the recipient must pay VAT: €100 x 20% = €20
Fee: €9.90
- Invoice value of the parcel exceeds €150
- 1Import duty: up to 17% of the invoice value, depending on the type of goods
- 2VAT: 20% of the invoice value of the shipment (invoice value + import duty)
- 3Fee: €9.90
Calculation example
The product costs €300. Customs duties will be as follows:
- 1Import duty = €300 х 17% = €51
- 2VAT = (€300 + €51) х 20% = €70.2
- 3fee = €9.90
Tax to be paid by the recipient: €51 + €70,2 + 9,90€= €131,1
A fee of €9.90 will be applied only in cases involving tax liabilities and will be invoiced directly to the recipient.
This can happen if a customs officer detects a breach of the rules:
- 1The contents of the parcel differ from the list specified in the declaration.
- 2The invoice value differs from the real one.
- 3The parcel contains goods prohibited for transportation.
- 4The recipient has already received international shipments with a total value over €150 during the last month.
How to receive
At the Nova Post branch
- 1Get an SMS message about the parcel delivery.
- 2Visit the specified branch with the original identity documents and the International Express Waybill (IEW) number.
- 3Provide the operator with the express waybill number and documents.
- 4Pay the customs duty if it was charged.
- 5Receive the parcel and a copy of the IEW to confirm receipt.
By courier to the address
- 1Receive an SMS or email with information about the date and time of delivery.
- 2Have your identity documents.
You can receive a parcel up to 30 kg by courier service
- 1Weight: up to 30 kg
- 2Width, height, and length shall not exceed 120*80*69 cm